The Ultimate Super Gift for Yourself this Christmas


The holiday season is upon us, and while gifts under the tree are delightful, have you considered giving yourself a gift that keeps on giving? Picture this: a super gift that not only doesn’t cost a thing but sets the stage for a financially secure future. Intrigued? Let’s talk about the ultimate super gift you can unwrap for yourself this Christmas.

Consolidate Your Super:

Are you unintentionally letting your hard-earned money slip through the cracks? With over 10 million unintended multiple superannuation accounts, you might be losing out on more than just Christmas presents. Consolidating your super is the first step toward reclaiming those lost funds. Discover the ease of streamlining your accounts through ATO online services or your myGov account. However, before you dive in, weigh the pros and cons—consider insurance cover, fees, investment options, and tax implications. It’s the gift of financial efficiency!

Review Your Investment Strategy:

Your superannuation fund is like a financial Santa, investing your money for you. Take charge by reviewing and selecting the investment options that align with your financial goals. Whether you’re part of a fund or managing your self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF), crafting and regularly revisiting your investment strategy ensures your money is working for you. After all, it’s not just about the journey; it’s about how you navigate it.

Make Extra Contributions:

The power of compounding interest is like the magic of Christmas—except it lasts all year round! Boost your future wealth by making small sacrifices today. Explore avenues like salary sacrificing or personal after-tax contributions to superannuation. Watch your contributions grow, thanks to the compounding magic that sets you on the path to a prosperous retirement.

Check Your Insurance:

Superannuation isn’t just about numbers; it’s about securing your future. Ensure your safety net is intact by reviewing your insurance coverage. Life, total and permanent disablement (TPD), and income protection insurance are the guardians of your financial well-being. Confirm you have the right level of cover, so you and your loved ones are shielded from life’s unexpected twists.

Check Your Beneficiary Nominations:

Don’t let your superannuation benefits become a mystery novel plot twist. Your Will might not have the final say when it comes to your super. Nominate a valid beneficiary to ensure your hard-earned money goes where you want it to. Regularly update your nominations, adapt to life’s changes, and make sure your superannuation story ends just the way you’ve planned.


This Christmas, give yourself the gift of financial empowerment. Sleigh the super way by taking charge of your superannuation. Unwrap the potential for a secure and prosperous future. After all, it’s not just about the festive season—it’s about setting the stage for a lifetime of financial well-being. Cheers to a super Christmas and an even brighter financial future!