Tax Deductions for Caravans and Motor Homes in Business Travel


In the world of small business, many people travel a lot for work. They often stay overnight in different places, and that can cost a lot of money. To save on these costs, some business owners buy caravans or motor homes. They might even put their business logos on these vehicles when they go to events. But can they get tax deductions for buying and maintaining these vehicles? Let’s break it down in simple terms.

The Basics of Deducting Travel Expenses

When it comes to taxes, you can usually deduct travel and accommodation expenses if they are related to making money or running your business. So, if you must travel to do your job or earn income, these expenses can be tax deductible. But here’s the catch: if you’re staying overnight somewhere just because it’s more convenient, those expenses might not count.

Caravans and Motor Homes as Business Assets

Think of caravans and motor homes as tools for your business. Just like a carpenter’s hammer helps them build things, these vehicles help you do your job. So, whether you can deduct the expenses related to them depends on how much you use them for making money in your business.

Depreciation and GST Claims

One good thing about using caravans or motor homes for business is that you can often get more tax deductions for their cost and upkeep. This is because they’re not considered regular “cars” under the tax rules, so there’s no limit on the deductions you can claim.

The Impact of Business Logos

Some people put their business logos on their caravans or motor homes when they go to events or shows. This is like advertising your business. While the cost of putting your logo on these vehicles is usually tax-deductible, it doesn’t magically turn all your travel into a business expense. If the travel wouldn’t be deductible without the logo, adding one won’t change that.


Using a caravan or motor home for work travel can save you money and make your life more convenient. But when it comes to taxes, it’s not about the type of vehicle; it’s about whether your expenses are directly related to making money or running your business. To make sure you get the most tax benefits, keep good records, and consider talking to a tax expert who can give you advice based on your specific business situation. In the end, it’s not just the vehicle; it’s the purpose and necessity of the expenses that determine if they can be deducted from your taxes.