Tag Archives: savemoney

Don’t Forget About the Small Business Roll-Over Concession for Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

If you’re running a small business and you’ve made some money from selling assets (like property or equipment), there’s a fantastic tax break you might not be taking full advantage of the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) small business concessions. Here’s the lowdown in simple terms: 1. What’s the Concession? – These concessions can help you … Continue reading Don’t Forget About the Small Business Roll-Over Concession for Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

Save Money on Taxes with Smart Super Contributions

Introduction: Want to pay less in taxes while securing your future? Superannuation, Australia’s retirement savings plan, has a cool trick for personal deductible contributions. Let’s break down how it works, especially when combined with catch-up concessional contributions, to help you save on taxes. In this blog post, we’ll explain personal deductible contributions, the cap on … Continue reading Save Money on Taxes with Smart Super Contributions