Give Your Small Business a Skills Boost and Save on Taxes Too!


Hey there, small business owners! If you’re looking for a win-win situation that involves levelling up your team’s skills and enjoying some sweet tax deductions, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive into the exciting Small Business Skills and Training Boost world.

What’s the Buzz All About?

Running a small or medium-sized business comes with its challenges, and keeping your team sharp and up-to-date is undoubtedly one of them. But fear not, because the government has a treat for you—yes, you read that right—a bonus tax deduction to sweeten the deal.

The Nitty-Gritty:

To make sure you’re eligible for this bonus, here are the key details you need to know:

Training Your Way: Whether it’s in-person within the scenic landscapes of Australia or in the virtual realm, the government’s got your back.

Certified Training Providers: You’ll want to partner up with the training bigwigs—those listed on and the National Register of Higher Education Providers. They’re the golden ticket to that bonus deduction.

What’s on the Bill: The expenses you can claim include course fees, books, and equipment. For those spreading out deductions over time (like depreciation), the bonus is upfront and a cool 20% of the full amount.

Timing is Everything: This bonus is a time traveller—it applies to expenses incurred between March 29, 2022, and June 30, 2023 (claimed in your 2022-23 tax return) or between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024 (claimed in your 2023-24 tax return).

What Won’t Cut It:

Not all training expenses are created equal when it comes to claiming that bonus. Here’s what won’t cut:

DIY Training: Sorry, boss, but if you’re personally conducting the training, it’s a no-go.

Self-Employed Solo Adventures: Training for yourself won’t get you the bonus. It’s strictly for the team.

Independent Contractors: They’re awesome, but their training doesn’t qualify for the bonus.

Shady Providers: Stick to the certified ones. Non-registered providers are a deal-breaker.

Friendly Associations: If your training provider is your BFF, sorry, no bonus for you.

Extra Fees: Watch out for those sneaky intermediary charges. Only direct expenses from the training provider count.

Avoiding Tax Time Surprises: To keep things smooth sailing, ensure the training aligns with your employee’s current role or sets them up for a promotion. Stay in the clear from FBT (Fringe Benefits Tax) by steering clear of paying off study loans for your employees unless you’re up for some unexpected tax surprises.


And there you have it, fellow business enthusiasts! The Small Business Skills and Training Boost is your golden ticket to upskilling your team while keeping your accountant and the taxman happy. If you’re ever in doubt about the eligibility of your training expenses, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re here to help you navigate the world of tax deductions with ease. Happy training and tax-saving!